
Just a few words to illuminate what may be unclear –

I don’t have this blog so I can argue with people who have more spare time than I do; I have it so I can soapbox about the things I do and think. If I review something, I’m not going to pretend for a second that it’ll be fair, unbiased, or even complete. I’m just going to spout off what I noticed about it, without a care in the world about what I may have omitted. You’re just going to have to deal with that.Likewise, if I talk about how awesome something is, I may mention just that – the awesome stuff about it, completely glazing over what sucks. I don’t need my intelligence insulted by pointing out what I missed – I didn’t miss it, I chose not to mention it. It wasn’t relevant to what I experienced/felt worthy of mention, and I’m sorry you felt that it should have been. Perhaps if someone had worked harder at not sucking, the suck wouldn’t be what draws my attention.

If you wanna debate what I talk about in a rational, respectful manner, I’m all for it. If you wanna lash out in your epeen-laden spare time nerd rage about how I’m wrong because I didn’t mention x or y, your comment isn’t getting approved; go argue on a message board somewhere. I enjoy my life far too much to waste time arguing with anonymous toughguy idiots on the internet. My time is more valuable to me than your thoughts, so you’d better make it worthwhile if you want a voice here.

If, however, you can/will do that – please, do comment. I cherish a good discussion.