
Posts Tagged ‘borderlands’

11/05 Recap.

November 5, 2009 Leave a comment
  • (+) Borderlands is one of the coolest games I’ve seen in a long time. I have it on the xbox 360, if you wanna play.
  • (-) Borderlands has nearly consumed my non-work time.
  • (=) My enjoyment with Prototype has been greatly hindered by Borderlands. In fact, since acquiring the latter, I have yet to replay the former. This is a shame, as I’m paying GameFly for the privilege of borrowing it. Conundrum.
  • (=) My guild is working on, but struggling with, Northrend Beasts hardmode. Phase 2 is rough.
  • (-) I am Thassarian’s Legplates of Triumph away from my 4pc. Tier bonus, which is still stupidly overpowered. I have enough emblems, but do not have a trophy. I still need a VoA 25 run this week. Wish me luck!
  • (-) The past few weeks of Rock Band 2 DLC are of no interest to me. This doesn’t matter much, though, as I cannot even afford the Beatles Rock Band DLC that I do want. All in good time.
  • (-) My downstairs neighbor apparently works nights, and hates it when I play drums. This will end poorly.
  • (+) I have found a new hobby within WoW!

  • (-) That hobby is going for The Loremaster on my death knight.

  • (-) The folks over in Maine voted against equal rights. To their credit, it was a thin margin, which says to me that only slightly over half of Maine voters are bigots. Yep, I went there. You suck, assholes.

I’ll post something substantial on these or other subjects soon, but I have a lot of games to play tonight, and not enough time to play them all.