
Posts Tagged ‘hero quest’

Steaks and Zombieland; Hero Quest and Warcraft.

October 13, 2009 Leave a comment

So this long weekend was full of delightful steak, scotch, questing, zombies, Hero Quest, and raiding.

See that steak? Yeah, it was awesome. There’s not much more to say about that meal, other than trust me – you wish you ate it. The garlic-rosemary potatoes are a recipe I stole from my main tank Aeman. What can I say; the man knows how to cook. Also? Super nerd. How nerdy, you ask? Nerdy enough to go watch Zombieland, come home, make bison tacos (like I said, the man knows how to cook), and then play Hero Quest.

/:/:/scratching record/:/:/

Yes, that’s right – Hero Quest.

If you’re over 25 and reading this blog, chances are you were a super nerd when you were a kid. Ok, I’ll allow that WoW has somewhat changed the nerd/non-nerd dynamic; you could totally be captain of your rugby team (hi, Apop) and still play WoW. But before WoW came along and made everyone ever play video games, if you were the kind of person to read this blog, you were a dork. You had a crush on Rydia from Final Fantasy (hopefully the grown-up version, you sicko), had a collection of 20-sided dice, and the closest you came to playing a sport was kicking your neighbor’s ass at Ice Hockey. Chances are you know what LARPing is (God help you). If any of this is true, you had a copy of Hero Quest, and right now, you’re wishing you still did.

Well it just so happens that Aeman got his hands on a copy. After Zombieland (which, by the way, was about as perfect as I could have hoped), I went to casa de Aeman & Theine and played Hero Quest. This is, quite possibly, the nerdiest thing I’ve done in a long, long time (and that includes starting this blog). It was totally awesome and I want to do it more. Yes, I just said that in public.

Last night, we did a quick clear through most of Ulduar and watched most loot go to either offspec or sharding, proof that yes, we’re pretty much done with that instance. Time to buckle down and focus on ToC hardmodes. Also – check out my dps on XT-002, sans Heroism (we didn’t want to engage hardmode).

I’ve recently realized just how poor my collective wow account is; I mean, I can always afford repairs (though we have a guild bank allocation for raid repairs, I never use it), but if I wanted to, say, purchase some Crusader Orbs to make the ToC bracers, could I afford ’em? Not a chance. This irks me. This irks me something fierce. I’m not generally the type to be satisfied with a situation over which I have little control. A-ha!, though – I have control over it; it all comes down to time allocation.

You see, a while back I made this Druid. She’s not much, I realize (dual spec? yes! competent at either? errrr… not really), but she’s fun and more importantly, she was designed as a farmer. Skinning/Herbalism. Insta-flight form is as cheating as you can get without requiring seppuku to absolve yourself of the shame, and it’s perfect for a farming toon. In addition to this, while leveling her, I did as many Outlands/sidequests as I could bear, in order to hasten the place in Northrend at which I’d hit 80. In this case, I got there around mid-Zul’Drak. I’ve now finished Zul’Drak and done about half of the Sholazar quests, and have made about 2.5k in doing so. This is nuts. Druids are a cash cow. When I’m done with this one, I’m considering making another to level just for the gold (I’d make another DK for said purpose if I could; those guys are the definition of solo-leveling OP).

Oh, one last thing – I’ve noticed my traffic increasing steadily. Hello, readers! In case you’re wondering, I do not have a cushy “sit in an office and play on the internet all day” job. As a result, I won’t be updating this daily. I will, however, do what I can to update at least 2-3 times a week. I’ll do what I can to keep you office-bound folk in mind and try to post in such a manner as to give you stuff to read while you get paid to sit on your ass, but no promises.

So there ya go – if I don’t post for a day or two, don’t freak out and unsub. Just sit and be patient; the good stuff’s on the way.