
Posts Tagged ‘me’

Birthday; Patch Day; Shadowmourne.

December 8, 2009 1 comment

So this is apparently what happens when you’re an unholy DK in full BiS (Best In Slot) pre-hardmode loot. Look at that damage done. Just look at it, sitting there, being all “I’m on top, lol, nerf me,” which is awesome other than the fact that, well, today I’m getting nerfed (bye-bye, 4pc T9 bonus affecting Frost Fever – you were good, but you were too good to last. *sniff*) Even with the nerf incoming, though – isn’t that sweet? I think so. *drool*

So holy shit, I’m on a boa- errr, wait – I’m thirty! Damn, that kinda went fast. They really weren’t kidding. The past weekend went by far too fast, and included being taken out to dinner at Hungry Mother (seriously some of the best food you will ever eat) by the lovely lady, seeing Bob Saget (holy crap is he amazingly filthy) at the Wilbur Theater in downtown Boston, and having a ton of people over my place to have a Bad Movie Night, including such wretched films as the SyFy made-for-tv Raptor Island and what is hailed my many as “the Citizen Kane of bad cinema” The Room (it was terrible, but I’ve seen – nay, I OWN worse). On the next day, I rested (and leveled my shammy – 77!). All in all, a totally rad birthday weekend.

Oh – check this shit out. I now own a Codex Seraphinianus. No, seriously – the book I’ve been searching for (at a reasonable price, which is to say, under $500) and unable to find for a good decade now. Yep, that’s what Allison got me for my 30th birthday. I don’t even know what to say, other than you’re incredible, and making me be sappy on the internet. Thank you.

Ok, so patch 3.3 went and came today (check out the totally sweet patch trailer here), giving all servers a good dose of not working at all, and thus giving me a chance to write this post instead of scramble to get as many heroics in as possible before my eyes bleed so I can get a jump on the quest for Shadowmourne. That is to say, in order to start the questline (which may or may not be required for the later-necessary Shadowfrost Shards to even drop), you need to farm to Friendly with the Ashen Verdict and acquire a bunch of stuff, including 25(!!) Primordial Saronite (at 23 Emblems of Frost a piece!). This is quite an endeavor, so we’ll see how it goes.

Oh crap – servers are up – cutting this short. When they inevitably crash later, I’ll be back. If by some miracle of God’s Grace and Beauty they remain up – what do you guys think of the changes? What is your favorite? What is your least favorite? Ready GO